February Release

For those of you in the Harlequin Desire reader service, you’ve already got my February release – BACK IN HER HUSBAND’S BED – in your hot hands. The rest of us have to wait a little while longer

cover_smallestThe digital version will be available on February 1st. The print version is released on February 4th. Remember that some stores don’t stock the new books right away. I know it usually takes until Thursday or Friday (or later at Walmart) for the new Harlequins to hit the shelf. Impatient? You can always pre-order the book and have it arrive on your eReader or porch on release day!

This book is special to me and was a long time coming! It was actually the first book I submitted to by editor back in 2009. We worked on it for a while, then they decided it wasn’t right for the line. They asked me to send something else and that led to the sale of my first book – WHAT LIES BENEATH. Later, my editor asked if I was up for giving this book a second try and this time, it worked!

Nate and Annie have been with me for a very long time and I’m very happy they have finally made it off my hard drive and into your hands. I hope you enjoy it!


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